What an exciting time for Hope Ankeny as we embark on a giving campaign together called Building Hope for Tomorrow.
The key biblical concept behind this campaign at Hope Ankeny comes from a cool story in 2 Kings 3. The armies of Israel, Judah and Edom are taking on the army of Moab. They try to outflank the Moabites by taking a seven-day journey through the wilderness, but run out of water. They call the Prophet Elisha to ask God to intervene and the word of the Lord comes saying:
“Dig ditches all over this dry stream bed.” 2 Kings 3:16 (GNT)
I’m guessing that’s the last thing tired and thirsty soldiers wanted to do, but they obeyed the word of the Lord.
“The next day at about the time when the morning sacrifice was offered, water suddenly appeared! It was flowing from the direction of Edom, and soon there was water everywhere.” 2 Kings 3:20 (NLT)
God uses the water to provide for his people and win a victory. This story is a powerful reminder God can use what we do today to bring about miracles tomorrow. That message is the heart of Building Hope for Tomorrow. We’re asking you to help us dig ditches today so we can see God do miracles tomorrow!
Take some time to read through the materials linked on this page. Watch the videos that remind us what God has been doing to help us dream about what God might do tomorrow.
Thanks for being a part of what God is up to at Hope!
Scott Rains
Building Hope for Tomorrow Materials
Campaign Booklet
Read more about Building Hope for Tomorrow.
Prayer Guide
Pray for God’s blessings on this campaign and the ways he will move through Building Hope for Tomorrow!
Bible-Based Giving Guide
Discover the joy of cheerful giving, and what God has to say about it.
Devotional Guide
Read special Building Hope for Tomorrow daily devotions written by Hope pastors. Digital devotions can also be found on Hope’s blog.
Read frequently asked questions about Building Hope for Tomorrow.
Pledge & Give
Prayerfully consider what God is calling you to give toward Building Hope for Tomorrow!