Hebrews 13:3

Remember those in prison as if you were bound with them.”

Prison Ministry at Hope Ankeny partners with Prison Fellowship to reach lives with the love of Jesus behind prison walls. Through regular training, classes and events, our Prison Ministry is striving to follow biblical instruction as it instructs us to “remember those in prison as if you were bound with them.” This could mean supporting the family of someone currently incarcerated through programs like Angel Tree, learning how to advocate for prison system reform through our Outrageous Justice class, or even volunteering in prison facilities with Prison Fellowship. 

Kids donating to school supplies for the Ankeny Prison Fellowship

Jesus taught in Matthew 25, “whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me,” and one of the activities Jesus mentions specifically is visiting those who are in prison. Life for an incarcerated individual is unique and challenging, as is life for their loved ones. Jesus wants the church to be active, spreading his love and shining his light to those who endure deep darkness. 

There are a number of ways to connect to Prison Ministry at Hope Ankeny. We have annual events to support families of those in prison like Angel Tree. We offer a class called Outrageous Justice to help you learn more about the prison system in the U.S. And we continue working with our missions partner Prison Fellowship to equip volunteers to visit prisons and encourage and teach brothers and sisters on the inside. Be on the lookout for what’s coming soon and join our monthly newsletter below! 

Incarcerated Families Support Group
Being a family member to a loved one who is formerly incarcerated is hard, but having others to support you through this time can help. Join us for a time to pray, share, and care for each other. Contact Joy at [email protected] for more information.

Get to Know Our Team 

Mark DeJong

Join Our Newsletter 

Prison Ministry at Hope Ankeny is always on the move! We want to share upcoming events, trainings, and most importantly prayer requests from inmates whose lives are being transformed by the gospel of Jesus Christ. Sign up to receive monthly email news.