What’s Happening at Hope Ankeny?

Get geared up to fill the shelves of our local food pantries! Bring non-perishable food items and hygiene products to worship services the weekend of the big game. We’ll then sort, box, and deliver together!

Friday, Feb. 21, 7:00-9:00 pm
Dads and daughters age 3 – grade 6 are invited to join us for an evening of dancing and fun! Tickets ($7.50 per person in advance; $10 at the door) include crafts, games, dessert and beverages. Professional photographers will be on hand for an additional cost.

Wednesday, March 5, 12:00, 5:00, & 7:00 pm
Begin the season of Lent with the Hope community as we gather for worship, Holy Communion, and the distribution of ashes to remember the grace of Jesus Christ.

Friday, March 7, 7:00 pm-9:00 pm
Moms and sons (age 3 – grade 5) are invited to join us for an evening of games, snacks, make-and-take art, photo opportunities and more! Tickets are $7.50 per person in advance and $10 at the door.
Get Involved
We have many opportunities for you to get connected here at Hope Ankeny! Hope can feel a little big and overwhelming, so we encourage you to make this big place seem smaller by getting involved.

Find a Class
We offer various class opportunities throughout the year. A class is a great way to take an initial step in your faith journey.

Join a Group
We know growth happens in small group communities. Join a group to grow deeper and wider in your relationship with God and with others!

Volunteer at Hope Ankeny
Volunteer teams serve as a great way to get connected to other people you’ll see on a regular basis. There are many ways for you to serve at Hope Ankeny, locally through our mission partners, or globally by going on a mission trip.